Saturday, January 10, 2009

Test Run Cutie

Aww, can you see the sweet bird butt in this picture? This was taken from our kitchen window, so it's a little blurry and dark, but I tried to lighten it so you could see the... robin? I'm unsure, but it did have a blush-colored chest. So yes, we'll go with robin.

Robin is eating from a unique little feeder/house I made. Let's call it a prototype. I used two copper colored tin molds for feed holders and screwed them onto the front of one of our handmade birdhouses. I wanted to test it out before I made another to sell on Etsy, so we nailed it up next to our other feeders on the back deck.

The first day it was up, the birds acted as if they didn't even notice. I knew, of course, that they DID see it, but they were being very, very wary. I mean, this could be a trap, right? 

So we waited and watched and waited and watched. Then today my fiance brought me the camera and showed me this shot! Hurray! I was so pleased! 

If I make another like this for Etsy, I will need to remember to drill a few draining holes in the tins. Otherwise it will become a birdbath as soon as it rains.  :)

Mom completed some really original houses today! By the time I saw them, it was too dark to photograph them, so that will have to wait until tomorrow. But I can't WAIT to get them up on the Etsy shop! She did some really neat things with perches that I think will really impress some bird-loving folks! 

Until then, thanks for reading my blog and have a wonderful weekend! ~Angie


  1. I think if I started, I could really go crazy with these cute birdhouses!

  2. Success! Fun stuff! Love your blog and your style. Found you through the Etsy forums. :)


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